The Hard Cost of Health Insurance

Tonie Lopez
3 min readDec 16, 2021

When it comes to health insurance, it is a topic that may cause many to shudder and run the other way. The cause of many controversies for many years, people from all over the country have discussed the issue. This is especially true for college students who tend to be under insured or not insured at all. The college years tend be a time of change from stepping out from adolescence to young adulthood, and many find their fledgling needs may have a lot of loose ends.

Two students from California state University, Northridge, have come out to openly share their experiences with their health insurances. Candace Luther, Environmental Studies major, has strong feelings about her insurance through Medi-cal. She talks about her own personal experiences with her managed care.

Luther would like to receive help in getting an Opthmalogist who deals specifically with retinal diseases like she has. “when I had regular full on Medi-Cal it would be able to cover it, but since they switched me over to Health Net it would have to come out of pocket.” Candace Luther hopes to revert back to regular Medi-cal as it helped her much more.

Candace Luther (Photo Courtesy:Tonie Lopez)
Another photo of Candace (Photo Courtesy: Tonie Lopez)

Presley Jacobs, Communication disorders major, is another student who shares her experiences with her health insurance plan. Using Blue Cross under her mother, she discusses the trials and tribulations she has faced with it. “A lot of people think when you have private insurance would have more access to certain things or its easier to get it,” said Jacobs. “That might be true for some people, but in my current experience right now, I feel like I am having harder time.”

Presley Jacobs (Courtesy: Presley Jacobs)

Jacobs was currently seeking out therapeutic services and met with dead ends. She even went as far as calling up to five different practices just to find out they did not accept her insurance. “One of them (therapists) called me back and was like ‘I don’t know what your insurance is.’ I was like oh great.” For her, Presley Jacobs has found her journey “frustrating.”

According to the CDC, millions of people in America struggle in some way or another with health care coverage. A large percentage of individuals under the age of 65 are uninsured. Curiously most of them are marooned in southern states, or states that tend to have a lower cost of living. This could potentially mean that resources for these states are harder to come by and limited to certain populations.

Infograph of Health Care Expenditures (Courtesy: Kaiser Family Foundation)

As health insurance continues to be a highly debated issue, it has caused problems for many Americans. One of the biggest financial hardships next to student loans is medical bills. It seems to affect working adults and college students alike now.

La Care Health Card (Photo Coutesy: Tonie Lopez)

